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Benefits of meditation for wellness

Medication can be described as a progressive quieting of the mind until it reaches the source of the mind which in spiritual traditions is called the soul or the spirit. A lot of people think about it but sometimes have no idea what to do or how to get there. Some associate meditation with a monk sitting on top of a mountain, cross legged staring into the horizon but that is not what it is about. There are lots of benefits that are seen with meditation some of them are even are considered health benefits.

  • It may not seem like it but proper meditation is the most effective may to manage stress and when you have stress, you don`t sleep well and biological things like your heart rate speeds up, your blood pressure goes up. Stress management could help to get rid of one of the greatest epidemics of our civilization. Even if you do a minute of breath work, you end up feeling relaxed all of a sudden and you can do it anywhere
  • Meditation could conjure up compassion for the people around you and yourself. It opens up platonic qualities like kindness, love, compassion, joy, equanimity, profound peace which is believed to the peace that surpasses all understanding
  • It increases positive emotion, immune function, ability to focus and helps us to control our emotions
  • Meditation teaches us to slow down the number of thoughts that are entering our mind as well as the speed at which thoughts are entering our minds and with practice you are be able to stop your thoughts for short periods of time
  • Meditation helps lower a person`s blood pressure and it also helps with pain control
  • It helps build you self-esteem. Self confidence is something that almost everyone struggles with on a daily, in a world full of critics and bullies it can be difficult to develop and maintain a lasting positive self-image. Practicing meditation helps you be mindful for the next time something does not go your way
  • Meditation has also been used as a form of therapy for individuals struggling with depression. Not only does it help reduce chemicals in our brain that are associated with depression but it also fosters a more stable mindset by decreasing the presence of unhealthy behaviors brooding within ourselves.

Although there are many different forms of meditation, they all seem to offer similar mental and physical health benefits to human beings.

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